a) D. Medoff (tenor), Zachem? / Solnce Vschodit i Zahodit
(Russian), Columbia, 1909, aVF
b) D. Medoff (tenor), Poi, Lastochka, Poi (Russian),
Columbia, latest date is 1921, VF 10.00 sold
c) D. Medovyj (tenor), Novobranci / Zydwika Wychrestka
(Ukrainian), Columbia, latest date is
1921, VF 10.00
d) D. Medovy (tenor), Poshli Dievki V Don Kupatsia
/ Ech Ty Dolia (Russian), Columbia, latest
date is 1921, VF 10.00
e) Russkaya Izba Choir, S. Borowsky leader, Polyanushka
/ Ey Uchnem (Russian), Columbia,
latest date is 1921, VF 10.00
g) Red Army Choir of USSR, Le Chant du Depart / La
Marseillaise, Columbia, ND (1930s?),
AU 10.00
h) Red Army Choir of USSR, Song of the plains / The
White Whirlwind (Russian), Columbia, ND
(1930s?), XF 10.00
i) Red Army Choir of USSR, Boatmen of the Volga
/ Song of the Village Mayor (Russian),
Columbia, ND (1930s?), XF 10.00
j) Annie Lubin, Er Will Noch / Zirel Mirel fun Galicie,
Victor, latest date is 1908, XF 35.00
for enlargement of this label
Bob Reis
POB 26303
Raleigh NC 27611USA
phone: (919) 787-0881
(8:30AM-10:30PM EST only please)
fax: (919 787-1882
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